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Children's Detective Series

This series of chapter books are for children in upper elementary (4th-5th grade, though can go as low as 3rd.) and middle school (6th -8th). They are all educational books and can be used in the classroom in many ways.

The Crypto-Capers Series is designed to involve the reader into the story. The reader must help the detectives solve the case by solving various puzzles and cryptograms. Book one gives the reader a basic understanding of how to solve the puzzles and cryptograms. Once you know how, you will be well on your way. Clues will be given to the reader, but with each case less clues are given to make it more challenging, and more interesting. Which means that you will have to use your noodle, and pay very close attention to what is going on in the story. So come and join the Crypto-Capers on their first official case. The Crypto-Capers in: The Case of the Missing Sock.

The Team:

In this story siblings Max and Mia Holmes, along with their good friend Morris, and their flamboyant Granny Holmes, are known asThe Crypto-Capers. They are a group of detectives who unravel crimes by solving cryptograms that criminals leave behind. Mia is an expert puzzle solver. Max is great at deduction and reasoning. Morris is a computer genius, while Granny...well Granny is the muscle of the group. Don't let her size or age fool you....she is quite handy.

The Stolen Items: An antique sock and Prada sunglasses.

The Assignment:

The Case of The Missing Sock leads the Crypto-Capers to Florida where they are hired by a man named Mr. Delacomb. The mystery leads the team to different locations. Clues flourish throughout the mystery. Suspects by the handful seem to be popping up at every turn, but who commited the crime? Help the detectives solve the case by solving the cryptograms and puzzles. Good Luck!

For more information on how to solve the cryptograms for this book, see the home page!

Below is the link for the Teachers Study Guide.


(All rights reserved. The information below has been copyrighted and cannot be used for anything else other than this contest.) © 2011 Renee Hand - All Rights Reserved- The Crypto-Capers Series.

Pull up the contest questions, then print out the mystery clues below, fill them in and send to me. Please ignore the due date on the form. I accept the contest for this book all year long and will be doing a drawing every few months. Thank you!

Crypto-Capers Contest.pdf 

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5 6 5 26 10 2 26 7 2 2 23 26 7 3

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17 3 4 23 26 1 5 23 6 5 7 1 6

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15 2 11 18 1 16 2 15 1 23

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20 5 6 26 3 16 5 11 1 18 6 1 23 11 26

____ ____ ____ ____ . ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ,

4 1 16 12 17 12 23 1 17 2 17 2 1 23 6

" ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ."

3 18 15 17 3 4 23 26 1 5 23



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ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________

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When ready, send to me at:

The Crypto-Capers Contest

P.O. Box 144

Byron, MI 48418


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