Magic Hearts-Fantasy Romance Novel

Magic Hearts is the story of Corinne McCathy, a young, beautiful woman who was born with the magical power to heal. Forced to run away from an arranged marriage and a man who wanted to harm her, she found protection in the arms of Lord Chastwick. When her enemies were upon her, he saved her from them valiantly, only to find out the truth about her powers and the real reasons why her enemies were after her. Her betrayal shook the foundation of which his love was founded, and when their happiness was to be determined by forgiveness, and when neither thought they could offer it, something happened that would change their lives forever.
Magic Hearts is a story about new discoveries, love and betrayal. Corinne McCathy is a woman who has the magical power of healing. She has a twin brother named Patrick who has the power of strength. Together they are unstoppable. As they reach adulthood they discover that they have these wonderful powers and yet their powers can also be their curse. Many people in their family have abused their powers, causing them much grief. Patrick and Corinne learn how to hide their powers and they do so convincingly. Upon the request of her father, Corinne leaves with her mother to visit her aunt who lives in London. Corinne is being forced to marry and yet her father is giving her time to find her own true love. As she goes on her journey Corinne is chased by a man in black who is after her for her powers and is almost kidnapped by him and his men. If it wasn't for the help of Lord Chastwick, Corinne would have been hurt and tortured, or worse-- killed. Lord Chastwick does everything he can to keep her safe and though he assures himself that his only concern is for her safety, he knows that he is losing his heart to her. She is everything he wants and yet she tests his loyalty and devotion. Tests his ability to love. As the people Corinne cares about become the man in blacks next victims to get to her, she has to decide what to do, who she can trust. She loses her way many times and yet the one thing that gives her hope is the power of love. For it is love that will outlast time. Magic Hearts is a suspense filled novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat while the characters warm your heart. Hope you enjoy my debut novel.
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