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Book Blog Tour For Mineral Mischief Begins Today

 All links can be found on my blog. For some reason they didn't transfer over. Thanks!


Monday, June 6th

Tuesday, June 7th

Book reviewed at Reviews by Molly

Wednesday, June 8th

Book reviewed at One Day at a Time

Thursday, June 9th

Interviewed at Pump Up Your Book

Friday, June 10th

Guest blogging at Literal Exposure

Monday, June 13th

Book reviewed at The Children’s and Teens’ Book Connection

Tuesday, June 14th

Guest blogging at The Book Faery Reviews

Book reviewed at BookSnatchers

Wednesday, June 15th

Book reviewed and interviewed at Melange of Cultures’s Blog

Thursday, June 16th

Guest blogging at Review from Here

Friday, June 17th

Book reviewed at Chrissy’s World of Books

Monday, June 20th

Book reviewed at 4 the Love of Books

Tuesday, June 21st

Book reviewed at LadyD Books

Wednesday, June 22nd

Guest blogging and giveaway at Acting Balanced

Thursday, June 23rd

Book reviewed at Freda’s Voice

Friday, June 24th

Interviewed at The Hot Author Report

Monday, June 27th

Book spotlighted at The Plot

Tuesday, June 28th

Character interviewed at The Plot

Wednesday, June 29th

Guest blogging at Literarily Speaking

Thursday, June 30th

Guest blogging at Mayra’s Secret Bookshelf

Facebook party!

Stop by and chat at my stops. Followers get a chance to participate in my giveaway. Thanks everyone!

Giveaway information:

Giveaway #1 is for those readers who comment on Renee’s blogstops during the tour. One comment per person, per blog, through the length ofthe tour. Giveaway #2 is for those who purchase a copy of Joe-Joe Nut andBiscuit Bill Adventures Case#2 Mineral Mischief, during the June tour from June 6th-July 1st, 2011. Proof of purchase must be submitted to Reneevia email at . Additional rules and guidelines can be found at the end of this post.

GIVEAWAY #1 (for people who comment at a stop during theVBT)

An autographed copy of Case#2 Mineral Mischief

Earth Science Posters on identifying rocks and minerals

National Audubon Society Field Guide (800+ pages) of Rocksand Minerals

Retail value of Giveaway #1 is $60 (rounded to nearestdollar)

GIVEAWAY #2 (for those who purchase a copy of Case# 2Mineral Mischief between June 6th, 2011 and July 1st, 2011)

An autographed copy of Case #1: The Great Pie Catastrophe and the author's new coloring book.

4 boxed sets of rock collections which include a box of eachof: Igneous, Metamorphic, Sedimentary and Minerals. There are 12 specimens ineach box. These learning sets are a great learning tool for kids to learn aboutvarious kinds of rocks and their properties.

Retail Value of Giveaway #2 is $100 (rounded to the nearestdollar)

Here are the rules and guidelines for these giveaways:

1) For Giveaway #1 you must leave a comment on the hostingblog with a working email address for the author to contact you if you win.Only the first comment with your working email address is used to determineeligibility (one comment, per blog). If you comment at every stop then each comment will be added to the draw. The more you comment the more chances you have to win.

2) You must be a member of author’s blog and website at http://thecryptocapersseries.blogspot.comand (This goes for entering both giveaways).

3) You are eligible to win Giveaway #2 if you purchase acopy of Case#2 Mineral Mischief or any other book by the author between June 6th, 2011 and July1st, 2011 and provide the author with proof of purchase via email prior to July 1st, 2011. All the author needs is where you bought it from, what you bought, purchase # and date. Case#2 is available through, Amazon,, and at various bookstores big and small, and various placeson-line including my website.

4) All giveaway winners will be selected using

5) Prizes will be shipped via USPS with appropriateinsurance.

6) Author, blog hosts, and tour group are not responsiblefor lost or damaged goods.

7) The same personcannot win both giveaways





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